Email Server Requirements


Internet Service Provider (ISP) with fixed IP.
  • Assigned fixed IP
  • No fixed IPv6 address
  • Check Blacklist through Network Tools: DNS,IP,Email (
    • If Blacklisted, then follow the directions to get delisted from the 3rd party site.
  • Setup Email Server
    • Use a fresh install of Ubuntu/Debian Server
    • Add Mailcow-dockerized from this site:  Installation - mailcow: dockerized documentation
    • Setup accounts according to strict rules
      • Strict rules: 
        • allow smtp port 25 to/from server only and block all others 
        • email users should use ports 465 or 587 to send
        • allow IMAP for special cases / POP3 for normal users that use Outlook
Business & Personal Use:

Business accounts provide the public with contact information that can be easily shared without privacy concerns.

Personal accounts should be kept private.  
  • Implement security:
    • DMARC / SPF / Sending Rate / Allow IMAP or POP3 / TLS Sending / Remove SSLv2 and use only TLS1.2 or better.
    • Monitor RSPAM to allow/reject

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